Project Description | Smart 3D Atlanta
Smart 3D Atalanta is a project aimed to create a 3D model platform for urban researchers to develop applications with city data. In this project, we choose City of Atlanta as the first implementation. The city model of Atlanta is imported into the Cesium geographic platform which is an open-source platform developed on Bing map. Each building in City of Atlanta is loaded into the platform individually as an entity. Thus, the data visualization can happen in building scale for users' further applications. The data used in this test is directly from Google Place API, MARTA, City of Atlanta and other data providers.
Smart 3D Atlanta now is available on the web sever of DBL (Digital Building Lab), School of Architecture, Georgia Tech. Here is the link:
Fig.01 - Screen shot of Smart 3D Atlanta (Radius coloring)
In this web service, the building will be highlighted when user moves cursor on the building. When user clicks on the building, the information (picture, address and name) from Google Place API will be shown in a info box. Also, there is a menu on the left hand side for user to switch to different color mode (data), show/hide the buildings, buses and stops.
Fig.02 - Screen shot of Smart 3D Atlanta (Heatmap)
In the implementation, the data of bus routes are from MARTA real-timely and each bus has its information. If the bus is late, it turns to red. In other words, users can monitor MARTA buses real-timely. The screen shot below shows the implementation.
Fig.03 - Screen shot of Smart 3D Atlanta (buses)
In this 3D city model, each bus stop can be shown/hidden. The buses and stops are also can be highlighted when users move mouse on them, and click it for more details.
Fig.04 - Screen shot of Smart 3D Atlanta (bus stops)
Fig.05 - Screen shot of Smart 3D Atlanta (building information)