2015年7月10日 星期五

Elevator Pitch

Hi, I am Kurt, I love design and problem solving. Actually, one of my professional skills is to figure out the algorithm to address the problem. The training in electronics engineering college almost makes me a very logical  person, especially after graduation, I was responsible for the algorithm designing of channel coding in communication ICs such as USB 3.0 and HDMI. I did the job for 4 years. One day, I got a chance to go back to school to study architecture, architecture is always my love. However, I don't want to give up what I learned in EE, so, someday I might establish a lab to combine them together. The 4 years of the R&D job was quite enjoyable to me, so I think, why not be a scientist in architecture? This lab can be a great platform for industry, science, architecture and commercial. R&D job is important to me because I can turn imagination into real thing, and get profit. What I am most interested in is sewing virtuality and reality seamlessly. Imagine that, it is really exciting that people can move freely, immediately between two worlds. Hence we have more space, we almost have 2 earths! What architects do is to creating space, and creating space in this way is more interesting to me!

