2016年11月8日 星期二

Shape Computing Group | Froebel Blocks

Project Description |

For shape grammar 101, Froebel Blocks are always a good tool to help us understand shape grammar. However, Froebel Blocks are physical tools which has some limitations that students can hardly use as many blocks as they can. Also, physical Froebel Blocks limit some possible combinations because physical blocks can not overlap to each other (embedded in each other). Thus, this project is aimed to develop a digital tool which can expand the educational possibilities of Froebel Blocks. This program is developed in Rhino environment with Rhino Python.

Fig.01 - 5-rule Combination Analysis, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2016 Summer

Fig.02 - 5 rules, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2016 Summer

Fig.03 - 5-rule Combination 3, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2016 Summer

