Description | ARGO - Topological Shape Search
ARGO is a project which is trying to capture some data features of each shape, thereby recognizing the shape embedded in a bigger shape on Rhinoceros. This project starts with an extension of the previous project, GRAPE, which is using an open-sourced graph engine, GRGen. However, GrGen is not designed specifically for shape grammar community, so there are some limitations in the future development. Thus, Allo is initiated with an ambitious goal that we try to build up our own graph engine and expand the search power. So far, Allo can search any embedded topological shape less than 5 lines (1-line to 4-line shape are working) in a bigger shape. In the future development, we will try to push the limit further and come up with a total solution for this project.
Demo Video link:
Fig.01 - Topological shape search, T. C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig.02 - Topological shape search, T. C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig.03 - Topological shape search, T. C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig.04 - Topological shape search, T. C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring