Project Description | Hello Colorful Atlanta! Data visualization on Cesium platform!
The goal of this project is to research how smart a city can be, and how we can design a city in a smart way. In this project, we use Atlanta as the research subject. Atlanta is a city which has a convenient public transportation system, MARTA. As a busy public transportation system, MARTA is able to collect massive data by installing sensors on the trains, bus and stations. The data collected can be used to develop some applications and make this city respond to people's needs more quickly, or, real-timely. Hence, this project is aimed to input MARTA data to architecture design, urban design to develop a system for Atlanta citizens. The first take we did is to visualize the MARTA data in building scale.
Fig. 00. Heat Map of ATL - Dennis R. Shelden, Diego Osorio, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig. 01. Real Time Updating Transportation - Dennis R. Shelden, Diego Osorio, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig. 02. Data Visualization of ATL - T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig. 03. Data Visualization of ATL - T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig. 04. Data Visualization of ATL - T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring
Fig. 05. Coloring Test of ATL - T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring