2017年2月22日 星期三

CourtSpace | Generative System of Courthouse Design

Project Description

CourtSpace is a generative design software  which is based on rule-based design. Rules embedded in CourtSpace are from the analysis of the federal courthouses in US, this research is conducted by Dr. Thanos Economou at Georgia Tech and PhD candidates, Heather Ligler and James Park. In CourtSpace project, the goal is to develop a series of design vocabulary and integrate this design language into Rhinoceros platform, thereby providing architects a tool for courthouse design.
Fig.01 - Composition of courthouse, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring

Fig.02 - Composition of courthouse, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring

Fig.03 - Composition of courthouse, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring

Fig.04 - Composition of courthouse, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring

Fig.05 - Composition Test, T.C. Kurt Hong, 2017 Spring

Fig.06 Rules, T.C. Kurt Hong, Spring 2017

